Shadstone Workflow

Thank you for your interest in joining the Shadstone FAMILY! We are like a family, and we take the hiring and onboarding procedure very serious. We want to make sure both you, and our current family, are the right fit (for both sides).

One important part is that you are able to work online, read instructions, learn from the workflow, and even make suggestions to optimize and improve it.

So that is shown today on the workflow for joining the Shadstone team:


Step 1: Find a job (Opportunity Seat) that you ENJOY to do.

While we know many of you are desperate to find a job to earn a living and provide for yourself and others around you - it is important that you find a job you enjoy to do. Why? Because if you are not happy with your work, you will not be happy, and the output you provide for the company will not be up to par.

Shadstone has worked hard to grow and provide a lot of opportunities for the current and future team. This means there are a wide range of openings and types of work you can do.

So long as you enjoy it, are a fast learner, and want to improve yourself and the skills.

So check out the page, if you can talk to our HR department, maybe there is a new position not yet posted.

Ensure You Agree + Match the Company’s key “SLOT” values

Shadstone has defined 3 core values, we call it the key “SLOT”. Review these and ensure you agree and align with them.

Over time, if you and the company do not align on values, then it will normally not work long term.

Step 2: Prepare Your Pitch To The Company (15 minutes of homework)

Now, don’t just fire off a copy/paste cover letter and your generic CV. That most likely will be lost and ignored by our HR department.

If you followed step 1 and have found an opportunity (note: OPPORTUNITY) where the company has a need, and you have a PASSION, then we are onto something here.

Take this OPPORTUNITY to shine. Show us what you have done in this type of work before. Prepare a bit of an custom cover letter for us. Prove that you are not mass applying to every single opening in any company that exists on the planet.

Taking these 15 minutes of your time often is the defining time of your career. For us at Shadstone, or anyone. Take this time when you are looking for a “job” (career / opportunity to shine) and find a position and a company that you want to vibe with.

Step 3: Apply (Referral is Best)

Now that you have already (1) review openings and found an opportunity you are aligned with, (1a) reviewed the company values / culture and align with it, (2) prepared your 15 minutes of a custom letter to us to prove you are not mass applying and have done a bit of homework - now it is step 3 - applying.

You can laugh, but most do not follow steps 1 and 2. That is why when they jump to step 3, we miss them in the cracks.

You can apply with the form on the website (check the latest link). But the best is if you can find people on your network who work at Shadstone. Or get to know them. This will go a long way.

Do not be shy. Ask them how it is working at Shadstone (hope we get a good response). Tell them about the opening you’re interested in. And how you have done your “15 minutes of homework” in step 2.

Step 4: Be Prepared for Test Task and Probation

We believe if you followed steps 1 to 3, most likely you will get to do a test task for us. We are open to paying for this test task (depending on the complexity and time involved) to make it fair for all.

This is your time to shine. Show us what you can do, and communicate any questions or issues you have.

If we have an opening, and your test task can display your ability to do this type of work (and match the company values and culture) - 90% chance you will make it to the probation period.

Step 5: Probation Period, Onboarding Training (Overwhelming time to learn!)

Once you get into the company, you will then prepare yourself to “get overwhelmed”

It has become part of the Shadstone DNA that new team members get overloaded with tasks and training and onboarding.

This is how we filter who is the right fit for our culture.

We are a hardworking, multitasking, online team that gets things done and figures out how to do it.

So - take this time to decide if this is still what you want to do. ARE YOU WILLING TO LEARN and grow? Take this overwhelming onboarding process as a chance to improve your skills, get up to speed with our online working tools and systems, and join a family who gets work done efficiently and effectively.

Step 6: Complete the Indoctrination Process (Welcome!)

We believe if you complete the first 5 steps, you have completed the entire indoctrination process.

During on Shadstone monthly team calls, we will then formally welcome you to the long term family. It is quite an achievement, and now you are able to call yourself part of the “fam” formally.

Congrats, and those who make it we hope can contribute and work with us for the long term.

Join the Shadstone Team

We’re looking for superstars like you! We're excited as more outstanding people to join our ever growing team.

see full job list